Thursday, November 4, 2021

Delicious desserts!

The other day I did some baking. I made a diya tart for my Diwali tasks. 
The ingredients I used were:

  • 60g of soft butter
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water
  • Milk chocolate
  • Cream
  • White chocolate
  • Strawberries/Blueberries
  • Sprinkles
First I had to make the dough. I used the butter, powdered sugar, flour, and water to make the dough. Then I took some silicone cupcake mould to shape the diya tart.

Whilst it was in the oven, I melted the chocolate over the stove with the cream. The cream is so that it isn't sickeningly sweet. Then I took it of the stove, and melted the white chocolate in the microwave. 

I made my own pipping bag out of a sandwich bag, and pipped out some flames for the diya. They looked okay, but I think that I could've done better. I popped them in the freezer and waited for the tarts to bake.

Once they were done, I put them out to cool. Then I cut up some strawberries, and put them inside the tart. I also put some blueberries inside. I put the chocolate inside and put it in the freezer. I also took out the white chocolate flames.

Then, when they were cool enough I put the flames and sprinkles on top. They just looked so delicious! I gave one to everyone and they all enjoyed it, especially my brother. I enjoyed making it and knowing that everyone liked them made me so happy!

What do you think I should make next?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Tessellation - Maths

Today I learnt about something called tessellation. Tessellation is repeated pattern of shapes that covers a plane that can't have gaps or be overlapped. The triangle, square, and hexagon are the 3 building blocks of any periodic tessellation. Fun fact, you can use any kind of quadrilateral shape to make a tessellation, even if you draw one yourself! Tessellation is now one of my most loved parts of maths because you can go wild and use and colour and shape you want as long as you stick to the simple rules of making it. This is the mini version of the tessellation that I made using this website. It was really fun to make and I really enjoyed myself.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

My Promise

Today I'm learning about the importance of looking after our environment. This is one of my tasks based on this topic.
Create: Record or poster
After watching the Tiaki clip, write a short script of a promise that you will make for the future of Aotearoa.
I made a poster because I love using my creative skills. Here's what a it looks like.

I used to make it. For those who can't read this, it say:

I promise, for the future of Aotearoa that I will take care of our land by taking care of our native plants and trees and getting rid of pests

This was a really fun and I always love doing my tasks each week.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Today I read an article about the treaty of Waitangi (Te tiriti o Waitangi). All of the information in the article was written by Ross Calman, Mark Derby, and Toby Morris. 

The first Polynesians settled into Aotearoa in 1250 - 1300, and for almost half a century more and more Polynesians settled into the land of Aotearoa. They had Aotearoa all to themselves for around 570 years - nearly 5-6 centuries - before Captain Cook and his crew arrived to Aotearoa.

In the 1790's, Pakeha came to hunt seals and whales, Missionaries from England and later France, followed to spread Christianity, and traders also arrived to load timber and flax to sell overseas.

By the 1830's, several hundred Pakeha - mostly British - were living in what called New Zealand. 

Far from Britain, the Pakeha could do whatever they liked. Many missionaries thought that the British government should take control and enforce law and order in New Zealand, and some Maori agreed. They wanted protection, especially from those unruly Pakeha who would do the most cruel deeds.

Some Maori were worried so in 1831, 13 chiefs wrote a letter to the King of England for protection over them and their people. In response, the British government sent James Busby to represent him. 

On the 28th of October, 1835 he presented a document to 34 of the chiefs in Waitangi. The documented was titled He Whakaputanga, The Declaration of Independence. It stated that New Zealand was a self-reliant country that is protected by the King of England, and in return Maori would show good-will and give protection to the Pakeha settlers and traders.

By 1840, fifty-two chiefs had signed the declaration.

Back in Britain, many people had interests in New Zealand, and many people wished to start their lives there.

A company in London had made plans to buy land in New Zealand to sell to settlers for profit. This forced the British government to take further action. 

At the time, the British ruled of a large and powerful empire. The empire decided to add New Zealand to the empire, so that way Britain could make laws to control the growing Pakeha population, but these laws would also protect Maori.

In late January 1840, a British official named William Hobson arrived in the Bay of Plenty. He had been sent to get Maori to sign a treaty.

Very few Maori spoke English so a missionary named Henry Williams, with the help from his son Edward translated the treaty into Te Reo. They did this in one night. 

Hobson told the chiefs to sign Te Tiriti because soon more Pakeha would arrive.

But there was a lot of debate.Some chiefs like Rewa said that he wanted his land back from the missionaries, and he didn't believe that having a foreign governor would change anything.

But two chiefs Hone Heke Pokai and Tamati Waka Nene believed a treaty would end wars between tribes. Tamati said that things were bad enough in the North island because the Pakeha wouldn't listen, and that doing nothing could mean the British taking further control over their land.

That evening, the chiefs discussed Te Tiriti late into the night.

The next morning, some chiefs were all ready to sign. A hui was called and Williams read the treaty aloud once more before getting the chiefs to sign. Over 40 chiefs signed the treaty that day. Some chose not to. 

Many chiefs weren't in Waitangi so Hobson had to make copies of it and deliver them around New Zealand. 

Not everyone got to see Te Tiriti, and some chiefs didn't sign it. Some were concerned about what Te Tiriti might mean but signed anyway.Over the next seven months, over five hundred chiefs signed Te Tiriti (Mainly the Maori versions but some signed the English version of Te Tiriti).

Most of the chiefs signed the Maori version of Te Tiriti, but the explanations about how Te Tiriti would affect the chiefs and the people weren't properly translated. Some think that the Pakeha did it on purpose. For example sovereignty was translated as 'kawanatanga' meaning governorship. This didn't very much capture the meaning of sovereignty.

Before the signing of Te Tiriti almost all of the land and resources belonged to the Maori. Chiefs who signed were told by the Governor and officials that if they decided otherwise, this wouldn't change.

The treaty said that Maori were guaranteed tinorangatiratanga meaning absolute authority, but it didn't turn out that way.

After Te Tiriti was signed, the Governor and his officials encouraged Maori to sell their land to The Crown. Then they resold it to Pakeha settlers to make profit.

More and more Pakeha arrived in New Zealand, and there was a lot of emulation about land sales.Eventually the situation broke out into a war. From 1845-1872 the British and Maori fought a series of battles which we know as The New Zealand Wars. The British said that it was punishment for going against the government.

They also took millions of hectares away from some iwi. Pakeha called it confiscation. Maori called it raupatu meaning taken by force.

Maori also lost land through the Native land court system set up in 1865. It changed the way the land was owned to make it easier for Pakeha settlers to buy. Maori called it "te koti tango whenua" (The land taking court).

Without land, many Maori found it hard to feed their families and earn money.

By the 19th century, the promises made in Te Tiriti had been well and truly broken. Over time politicians started to acknowledge this. In 1906 James Caroll - The Native Minister at the time - gave a speech saying that it was time to help those Maori who had lost land to The Crown.

Not much land was given back to Maori through out the following decades, so many Maori protested about the matter. They were tired of the way the government treated them. They were tired of being ignored. It took quite a while but then the government finally started to listen.

In 1975 the government set up the Waitangi tribunal. The tribunal is like a court. It investigates claims from Maori and promises to take action for what's happened, but only present-day issues. Then in 1985, they changed that rule ad made it so that they investigate claims from the past as well.

During a hearing, the tribunal members write a report, that is sent to the government which they use to make a settlement. Each settlement is different, but always includes:

  •  An agreed account of what happened in the past
  •  An apology
  •  And some form of compensation
Some Maori feel a great sense of achievement when a settlement is finally signed. Settlements can lead to a new future full of opportunities.

It was quite a informative article because I didn't know that there was a war in New Zealand or that Maori had lived in Aotearoa in peace for over 500 years. This is probably one of my favourite articles I've ever read.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Ice cream

Today I was really REALLY bored so I decided to make a poem and a digital art piece on ice cream. First I made an ice cream on Google draw. Then I made a poem. Here's the result. If you like it, please tell me. And also, if you read this teacher, could you try putting this in as one of tasks.Thank you!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Lockdown activites

Today one of my tasks were to think up some of the fun lockdown activites I did and that you could do if we go into lockdown again. Here's what I wrote down.

You might have done the same. If you did please tell me in the comments.
Thank you!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Gratitude Writing

Today for my tasks, I was asked to write down what I was grateful for. Here's what I wrote.

You might be grateful for the same things as me. If you do, please tell me in the comments. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Today I drew a picture of an elk. 

Here is the result. I'm really happy with the result and hope to do more art like this.

Friday, August 27, 2021


Today we did some origami. We got to choose from these options.

The teacher said that we could choose harder ones if we didn't want to do these ones, so I chose to do a parrot. It took 20 minutes to do this and I really put a lot of effort into this so please don't judge my parrot. Here are some of the steps.

These were only from the first 3 minutes. Half way through my dad wanted to make one to so his will be in there as well. Here is the result. The top one is mine and the bottom one is my dads. I'm really happy with the result and hope to do this again someday.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Drawing - Timmy turtle

Today I made a drawing of a turtle reading a book. I used Youtube and my own creativity to make this wonderful creation. I also gave it a title because it was such a small drawing.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Scratch - Make it fly!

Today we made a new Scratch project on making a character fly! To make it look like the character is flying, we coded the scenery to move behind the character. The main scenery were buildings and clouds. After coding the scenery, I decided to make a game out of it. My character would fly around looking for food, and when he found the food he would get points. The points would get higher and higher and when you get 20 points more, then my character would say something. If my character ate something bad like rubbish or junk food, it would take 3 points away from your score. After you lose 5 lives, you would lose all your progress. If you collect a heart, you will get an extra life.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Maths - Compactor Index

Today we learnt about the compactor index. In the compactor index there was information of what people bought and stopped buying in the 60's all the way to 2020. Our task was to give 2 statments for each decade. Here is a screenshot of the compactor index.

Here are some statments that me and my group made:

60's :  From this compactor index, I can see that people in the sixty's stopped buying corsets.

70's :  From this compactor index, I can see that saveloys have lasted 30 years before they stopped being sold. 

80's :  From this compactor index, I can see that water beds stopped being sold after one decade. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Matariki - Scratch Project

Today we made a scratch project on Matariki. For our project we had to have the stars of Matariki on one stage and when we click on one of the stars, it'll take you to a page where there are 5 facts about the star. There is a video above to show some of my work. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

NZ first gold medal!

Today we were watching womens coxless pair finals. NZ was in the race. As the race started things were already starting to get intense. NZ was in second just behind Canada, then NZ was in front with Greece on their tail, but NZ won by one second and won NZ their first gold medal. The racers were Grace Prendergast and Kerri Growler. NZ came first, ROC came second, and Canada came third. In the medal ceremony all the teams were wearing their tracksuits and they all look so cool! I really like the ROC tracksuit. After we won the teacher started singing the national anthem. The whole class screamed like MAD! All that hand and leg coordination must have been really hard and tiring. I could probably only do a quarter of that race and be exhausted! I hope we can get another gold medal!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Simplifying Fractions

Today we were learning how to simplify fractions. The we found a number that could be put evenly into both the numerator and denominator.

The first question I did was 12/15. The simplified fraction was 4/5. The number that I put into the first fraction was 3. 3 into 12 is 4 and 3 into 15 is 5. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Today we made a graph for our house points. I used the information from the image on the fale house points. 

From this graph I can see;
Rata has the most amount of points.
Kowhai has ten points less than Totara.
Totara is the green.
Kauri has the least amount of points.

It's possible for Kauri to earn more tokens than Kowhai but I think its unlikely because Kauri is 161 tokens behind. Every day each Fale earns at least 60 tokens. They might still be behind by the same amount of points in the next week.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Spreadsheets - Analysis of Completed tasks for Wednesday 30 June

Today we made another graph of how many tasks we completed on Wednesday 30 June. Here is what mine looks like.
From this graph, I can see that 24 students completed there tasks. I got 24 by adding the numbers from the bar graphs.

Red bar = 9 students
Orange bar = 5 students
Yellow bar = 2 students
Green bar = 2 students
Blue bar = 6 students

From this graph I can see that 9 students did 6 tasks, 5 students did 5 tasks, 2 students did 4 tasks, 2 students did 3 tasks, and 6 students did 2 tasks. None of the students did 1 task or no tasks. Mrs Corbett feels happy about this and I think I did a lot better this time!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Spreadsheets - Analysis of Completed tasks for Monday 28 June

On Monday our teacher was sick.Then we found out our reliever wasn't here so our class got split into different classes for a day.Mrs Corbett emailed the class our tasks for the day.Today we made a graph of the tasks our class completed.
From the graph, I can see that there are 22 students in our class today. I got 22 by adding the numbers from the bars in the graph.

Blue bar = 1 student
Purple bar = 6 students
Red bar = 7 students
Yellow bar = 6 students
Green bar = 2 students

From this graph, I can see that 1 student finished no tasks, 6 student finished 1 task, 7 students finished 2 tasks, 6 students finished 3 tasks, and only 2 students finished all 4 tasks. Mrs Corbett feels disapointed about this because we were playing games all day instead of the tasks.I think that next time I should I should sit in a more quiet area and focus on my tasks, and not playing games.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Te Reo Practice

Today we practised pronouncing vowels in Te Reo Māori. Ms Corbett gave us 5 words to practise. I chose Kawe Haepapa. Here is a recording of my practice.

Here are some of the other words we practiced:

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Animations Using Google Slides 2

Today we made another google slides animation.The first animation we did was just a practice of our real animation.The real animation is more complex and we spent          more time on this one than we did on the other one.Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Vowel Sounds

Today we practised pronouncing vowels in Te Reo Māori. Ms Corbett gave us 5 words to practise. I chose Te Whanau Puawaitanga. Here is a recording of my practice.

Here are some of the other words that we practiced.

Animation using Google slides

Today we learn't how to make a animation using google slides. To make a my google slides animation we made a character in google draw. Next we made a new google slide and chose a background. The last step is to download your character and upload it into your slide animation. To make my animation better next time is to use more slides.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Fractions Immersion Day 2

Today for immersion we made combinations of fractions that were bigger than a half, but smaller than a whole.I made 4 different combinations.

My first combination is made using 2 thirds.
The second combination is made using 8 twelfths.
My third combination is using 2 quarters and 1 sixth.
And my last combination is made using 2 eighths, 1 third, and 1 twelfth.

Dipthongs in Te Reo

Today we practiced pronouncing dipthongs in Maori. 
Dipthongs are 2 vowels put together.
Mrs Corbett gave us 4 words to practice.
This was the word I was practicing.
 I chose Hineraukatauri. Here is a recording of my practise. Hineraukatauri

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Fractions Immersion Week

We tried to make one whole using fraction blocks.We made different combinations.
Here's what I made:
The first one I made is using 2 fifths, 1 sixth, 1 quarter, 1 tenth, and 1 twelfth.
The second one is made using 2 quarters, 2 twelfths, and 1 third.
The third one is made using 3 thirds, 1 quarter, and 1 twelfth.
And last but not least is using 2 fifths, 1 quarter, 1 sixth, 1 tenth, and 1 twelfth.